viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

Project- My dream home - 1ESO

Resultado de imagen de dream houses clipart

1) Title of the project :  OUR DREAM HOUSE   
2) Use Power Point tool.
3) Important in the 1st slide:
--Write the title
--Write your name
--Write the group
4) Choose a type of house and describe it. (You can use images from the Internet)
     - Describe the rooms you have. Use vocab from unit 2
     - The items that are in the room. Use “there is/ there are”
     - Things you do in the room.
5) Number of slides: 8 slides maximum. (You must learn all info you say.)
6) People preparing the project: IN PAIRS

7) Presentations are on Wednesday, 14th and Thursday 15th December.

Model Writing unit 2 - 1 ESO

Hi students,

Here, you have the model to guide you for the writing you must prepare from unit 2.
Don ´t forget to bring it to the lesson next Wednesday, the 7th! 

Try to do your best! 

See you!!


lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


Dear students,

I inform you about the Halloween contest about recipes in our high school!!

In pairs or groups you can prepare a Halloween recipe using your imagination like these ones:

Recetas saludables para Halloween


Recetas de Halloween para niños

"Orange" Pumpkins with salad 

Together with your Halloween dish you have to attach a piece of paper with the ingredients used, a brief description of the way you prepared it and the people´s names on it.

You have to bring your recipe ON FRIDAY, 28th October and leave in the library at 8:30 in the morning.