Today, we start a new unit about "Going green".
We are going to watch the following video, so press the link below:

And now, answer the following questions on the comment section here:
1) Do you "reduce"? If yes, say how.
2) Do you "recycle"? If yes, say how.
3) Do you "reuse"? If yes, say how.
Hello I´m Carmen 2ºb,
ResponderEliminar1) Yes, I reduce. When I go shopping, I carry my own bags; when I´m not using the computer, the Tv... I switch off them; when I´m not in a room, I switch off the ligths; when I´m not using water from the water tap, I close it.
2) Yes, I recycle. In my home I have a wastepaper basket for each type of container: plastic, paper and carton, piece of glass and organic. And, when I don´t need more or it´s damaged an object, I take them to the recycle station, for example, a laptop, a sofa...
3) Yes, I reuse. For example, tin of crystal of yogurt, I keep it and when I do a cake or yogurt, instead of buy molds or glasses, I use them. With the paper that it´s not totaly written, I keep it in a drawer and when I have to do anything in dirty, or a sketch, I use them. The bottles of water, istead of recycle them the first time, I poor them tap water and my father use them for poor water to his animals and next, he recycle them. And many things more, I keep carton boxes for crafts...
Hello. I am Jorge, 2º A.
ResponderEliminarFirst, I reduce because I go walking to the High School every day; I use energy efficient lightbulbs at home; when I go sleeping, I turn my computer off and I always use cloth bags for shopping.
Second, I recycle because I often put in the corresponding containers plastic, paper and glass, and organic food.
And third, I reuse because I use dirty paper to study my exams, and I use repeatedly my plastic bottle to drink water.
Hello I'm Marta,2ºA.
ResponderEliminar1- I reduce for example when I turn off the light because there is still natural light or when I turn off the tap water if I am not using it.
2-I recycle because I have three differents bins where I put the plastic, the paper and the carton in one, in another I throw the glass and in a different one I throw the organic food.
3-I reuse because when I'm boring I do crafts but I always try to do them with reused materials like carton from an empty cereal box. Also I reuse the papers that they are written but only on one side so I can use them on the other side.
Hello I´m Silvia Fernández, 2ºB.
ResponderEliminar1).I think that is very relevant not buy/consume unnecessary products or that we rarely use. For example, I reduce when I go shopping on foot or when I turn off the shower tap to put gel on me and wash myself.
2).I recycle because in my kitchen, there are three differents bins where I put the plastic, paper/carton, glass and of course, another one in where we throw the organic food. Finally, my parents (or sometimes I) throw each bag into its container when it´s full.
3).I reuse, for example, the paper but when some paper I will not use it, I give to my friend because I know that she will reuse it. Also,I try to do funny crafts with different materials or things that instead of throwing them away, we reuse to do something creative like boxes, decorating them with fabrics.
Hello, I am Elena Ruiz Notario, 2ºA.
ResponderEliminar1)I reduce, because when I go to the supermarket, I carry reusable bags, and I drink wáter in a glass bottle, because it can by refilled and not waste plastic.
2)I recycle, not in my home because when y go to throw the garbage, I put everything in its container.
3)And I reuse, because I do many crafts, for example whith a cardboard box, I made a small table. Too I do a beed for my cat.
1-I use cloth bags when shopping,I turn off the tidy when I don't use it, and I turn off the lights when the sun is.
ResponderEliminar2-I have three bins of different colors and in these I recycle paper, plastic, glass and bringing the batteries and electricity to the clean spot.
3-I use the same bottle a few days, use a single paper for various things and use plastics to make crafts.
Carlos Martínez Atienza 2ºA
In the first isn´t tidy , is computer.